Firstly, U need to download these 5 files:
A. Download Flashtool for Arc/Arc Sfrom
B. The ready to root from here:
For Arc S: or
For Arc :
C. ADB driver for Arc/Arc S
from here:
D. Root file for Arc/Arc S from here:
E. Kernel 4.0.4 only from here:
For Arc S: or
For Arc :
After downloaded, let’s start to do follow the instructions bellow:
I. Flash the ready to root 4.0.4
1. Install Flashtool from A.
2. Change the format file from “ready to root .rar to .RAR“ (B) and it will become a winzrar file then U extract n copy it to C:\Flashtool\firmwares
3. Open Flashtool Application => Click on Flash button => Flashmode => ok
Make sure that u follow all the options as the picture below (Don’t tick any option on the right hand n choose lt18i/lt15i, 4.1.B.0.431, ready to root)
4. Wait a few seconds, it will pop up the message as the picture below. Then, U follow the instruction, it will automatically process n wait until complete 100%.
5. Disconnect phone from PC n Reboot ur phone.
II. Root ur Arc/Arc S
- If u don’t have ADB driver, please install form (C). If u already had ADB driver, U just skip this step.
- Open n extract Root file that U download from (D).
- After extracted, u will have 2 files ( file n Runme). Open file folder => click on adb.exe
- Open Runme n follow the instructions on the pop up screen (enable USB debugging n tick Unknown sources then connect to PC) n wait until it finishes (All done).
******* Now, Ur phone will be Rooted********
III. Flash the 4.0.4 kernel (This step is the same as step I)
- Copy Kernel 4.0.4 that U downloaded form (E) n paste it to C:\Flashtool\firmwares
- Open Flashtool Application => Click on Flash button => Flashmode => ok
- Make sure that u follow all the options as the picture below (Don’t tick any option on the right hand n choose lt18i/lt15i, 4.1.B.0.431, kernel only)
4. Wait a few seconds, it will pop up the message as the picture. Then, U follow the instruction, it will automatically process n wait until complete 100%.
5. Reboot ur phone
***I hope, Ur phone are now being on adroid 4.0.4 with ROOTed ***
Note: If U want Khmer font:
1. Downlaod X-Parts from Play Store =>
2. . Downlaod n Flash it => http://www
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